Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Hello friends and acquaintances! Oh how I've missed you all, and I see a couple of new faces over there in the "Legion of Loyal Followers"! Imaginary being most believe responsible for our creation (God) only knows what brought you here, but dammit welcome, and thanks for following. I shall do my best not to bore you on the off chance that you ever see fit to snoop around the Batcave again.

Going to keep it short and sweet tonight, as it's late, and I'm old and tired. As some of you may be aware, there's some new video game or something that has just released, and it demands most of, if not ALL of, my free time. So with that, I will leave you with the following image (because you all know I HAVE to post an image of some sort). Good night, and imaginary being most believe responsible for our creation bless.

1 comment:

  1. "imaginary being most believe responsible for our creation" Haha - love it.
