Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Random Screen Grab

Only this time, it's not exactly random. Today I finally, finally, FINALLY got myself a copy of Dead Snow! And it's on bluray thanks to the powers that be at Best Buy hq going insane and putting a TON of awesome stuff on sale this week. I came away with Dead Snow, Evil Dead, and Hatchet all on blu for $9.99 each, and I'll be going back when I get paid Friday.


  1. I've been on sort of an anti-zombie movie backlash lately, but I have to admit, DEAD SNOW made me very happy.

  2. Damn there's a ton of stuff on sale. The Mist Blu-Ray for ten bucks? Sold! I'll pick up Dead Snow too because of Bones likes it, I know I will.

  3. I know a lot of people were disappointed in it after all the hype, but I dunno, I liked the fact that it had a sense of humor. The molotov scene STILL kills me every time.

    B, I could've spent about $140 easily and that's just on $10 bluray. It's insane. I would've grabbed The Mist, but I got it for $15 on blu at Walmart earlier this year.

    But if you haven't seen Frozen yet, check it out too. I bought it last friggin week for $15, heh.
