Monday, April 25, 2011


Still got a little Easter hangover? Me neither. BUT, all the Easter shenanigans of this past weekend did remind me of a movie that I was at one point following along with thanks to Creature-Corner/Dread Central back in the day. For some reason or another, it stopped getting mentioned and it fell under my radar. I think about it every now and then, but I've never taken the time to actually try and find it anywhere.

Well friends, I've finally decided to change that, the movie just looks so absurdly stupid that I can't neglect it any longer. A quick trip to Amazon, and $3.16 later, Kottentail is on it's way to the Batcave! Will it join the ranks of other films that demand that I watch them on the appropriate holiday, such as Thankskilling, Santa's Slay, and of course the greatest Halloween movie of all time, Trick R Treat? We'll see. I kinda hope it does, I don't really have any of my own little Easter traditions, this could be the movie to change that.

Check out the hilarious trailer below if you haven't before. As for the actual movie, if there's anybody out there who has seen it, care to comment? I would love to hear what you thought, and maybe get a little head's up as to whether I've wasted my $3 or not, heh.

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