As per usual, I will not spoil the movie in any way, and in keeping with that I won't even bother with any sort of a synopsis this time. For fuck's sake, it's Scream 4, seriously if you don't know what it's about then you're probably reading the wrong blog. This post will strictly deal with what I thought about the movie, which if you follow me on Twitter you've already read, but here goes anyway.
Scream 4 is an attempt to "revamp" or restart the Scream franchise by making it relevant to a whole new generation of horror movie watchers. I can only assume that most of the people who are drooling over this movie are the ones who cut their proverbial horror teeth on the original back in 1996. Unfortunately, I'm not one of those people, and just as with Scream 2 and 3, Scream 4 didn't do a whole lot for me. Everything that made the first one so successful is here again, only done to be hip to today's audience, and I found that to be disappointing. There is absolutely nothing new here, nothing you haven't seen a million times before, in fact about the only thing Scream 4 has that Scream didn't have is Twitter and blog references. That seems to be enough for a lot of people, or maybe it's just the "new Scream smell" that has people so excited, but the novelty is lost on me completely. It's going to take a LOT more than this to make me excited about another Scream sequel.
I'd like to have at least something positive to say here, and in all honesty Scream 4 isn't a bad movie, I just don't hold the series in a high a regard as most seem to. It's not Scream 4's fault that I don't really like the Scream movies. Basically what it boils down to is how much you enjoyed the others. If you like Scream you will like Scream 4, if you don't like Scream then Scream 4 won't do anything to change your mind. I understand that two more sequels have been optioned, which is as hilarious as it is pointless. I mean, we're talking about teenagers running around wearing a $10 generic halloween mask and stabbing people, not a badass motherfucker wearing a hockey mask and hacking people up with a machete in the woods. Now that is some sequel worthy shit right there...
I dont know about you, but I am getting tired of all these remakes of old horror movies...
ReplyDeleteI DID enjoy Scream 4 although I fully agree with Zombie and there needs to be more room for original horror and indie horror...NO MORE REMAKES AND REBOOTS!
ReplyDeletePretty much my thoughts exactly! At least other popular horror franchises have a memorable villain to hang their hat on, though I suppose Scream’s ghost mask was a little scary when I was a child.
ReplyDeleteKind of.
Sort of.
Ok, not really.