Thursday, July 21, 2011

Dark Knight Rises teaser!

Hot on the heels of the poster comes the first teaser trailer for Dark Knight Rises! Is that Bane at the end?!


  1. Saw this at the new Harry Potter. So. Much. Epic!!

  2. While I'm excited for the movie & all and fairly sure that Nolan will not steer this wrong, I'm honestly having a hard time getting excited for Bane at this stage. His gimmick has always left me fairly unimpressed. So I hope Nolan adds some awesome new dimension or depth to the character to make me think twice.

  3. I actually have never liked Bane either, although I do dig the whole "Venom serum" thing. I'm hoping Nolan will have a new take on him as well.

  4. Another one who’s not into Bane here, but I guess he’s higher on my list than Penguin or Riddler. I’ll never be able to see Pengiun again without Danny DiVito’s leering face!
