Saturday, November 19, 2011

Justice Brociety of America

You've heard of the Justice Society of America (JSA) but NOTHING will prepare you for the coming of the Justice Brociety of America (JBA)!!! So far we have a small handful of members, although hadn't been able to actually get together to fight crime and kick some asses...until tonight that is. Kaptain Kannibal and Tech Stryker took to the dark streets of Gotham City to do battle against none other than Bane. Alongside Nightwing, the JBA had little trouble subduing the Venom-filled behemoth, ridding the Gotham Harbor Lighthouse of his tyranny once and for all. It was a most thrilling victory for the JBA, can't wait to see what kind of havoc we can wreak once we get the full roster in the field...

Before taking to the harbor, Kaptain Kannibal was spotted atop the East End Gotham City Police Department, playing with the Bat-signal.

Prior to the Gotham Harbor Lighthouse battle, the JBA briefly took control of the Justice League of America's Watch Tower base on the moon. Just for the record, "took control of" definitely does NOT mean "got completely lost in". From the Watchtower security cameras, here is a photo of Tech Stryker and Kaptain Kannibal patrolling the Watchtower halls....

The JBA have arrived, and evil-doers the world over should consider themselves warned. We will not stand for your nefarious schemes, we will not tolerate your tyranny, and we're totally gonna steal your money and loot after we kick your ass. JBA Unite!

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