Friday, December 30, 2011

Friday Night Drive-In

A little late, but I feel like it's ok because first of all it's not like anybody is sitting by their computer at 7 o'clock, anxiously awaiting the movie I've picked for the week, and second of all I was destroying  Fleming and bringin ig the pain to an army of demons as Garcia Fucking Hotspur, thus fulfilling my promise that I would complete Shadows of the Damned before 2012 arrived. That game was the shit....

Anyway, when I sat down to find a movie for tonight, I got really excited when I came across this one. I've only ever seen it one time, for whatever reason years ago I was awake at around 2 in the morning and I flipped by Cinemax and a movie named "Mom" was on. I had no intention of watching a movie, but as is usually the case, I got interested in it, and it turned out to be pretty awesome. Well, as awesome as a movie about a guy whose mom is turned into a flesh eating ghoul can be anyway. I had completely forgotten about this movie though! I'm actually gonna watch it tonight too. I also need to check and see if there's a dvd available, would like to add this to the collection. Enjoy "Mom" kids!

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