Saturday, March 10, 2012

I was picked for Horror Blog of the Month!

Always cool to get these little awards from fellow bloggers. I'm surprised as hell that anybody even stops by here, so to be given an award is always a shocking, but nice surprise. This time it's my good buddy Maynard Morrisey who runs the review-tastic Horror Movie Diary. I can tell you in all honesty, I read every single new post there, and Maynard and I are usually in agreement when it comes to movies. Short story, he's a good guy, and my kind of people. If you'd like to read my answers to his questions, check March's "Horror Blog of the Month" post here. While you're there, I strongly urge you to look around, and add the Horror Movie Diary to your blogroll if it isn't already there.

Thanks one more time for the honor Maynard!


  1. You deserve it dude. Your blog has always been a favorite spot of mine to hit up. You always post about things that I think about or want to think and talk about... but just don't get around to because everything around me is absolute chaos!

  2. Thanks dude, I appreciate that. Same goes for your blog, I dig the hell out of it.

  3. Thanx a lot for the kind words, and thanx for all your cool answers! :)
