Sunday, April 15, 2012

Newest Shelf Additions

Haven't shown off any statues in a while, and lately I've added two new ones to the shelf, so I thought...why not?

First up is the new version of Mike Mignola's Black and White statue. For whatever reason, probably due to money issues, I never ordered the original Mignola B&W and have kicked myself in the ass since. It's one of the rarest of the series. As you can imagine, the news that there was going to be a re-release, with a minor tweak, made me extremely happy. Not only was I going to be able to finally get this statue, but the tweak in question was to the logo on Batman's chest, and instead of the regular black bat logo that he's currently sporting, he would be wearing the yellow oval logo, which is my personal favorite. Beautiful statue, and I especially dig the detail on the batarang and it's rope, and the paint job is phenomenal, almost making it look like an animated character brought to life.

Only one minor nitpick here, and that's with the base. The top is the exact same as every other statue in this series, but for some reason this one has white around the edge of the base, where all the others have black. It's a minor thing, but it really stands out every time I look at my Black and White shelf.

Next is my Heroes of the DC Universe Batman bust design from one of my all-time favorite artists, Gary Frank. Up until now, nobody has made the "Batman, Inc." costume design look as badass as Gary does on this bust. The detail is gorgeous, the paint job is gorgeous, and I can find absolutely nothing to complain about with this bust, other than maybe I wish I had a bigger one. Only one size on these busts though, bummer. For the money, you aren't going to find a better looking collectible to display in your Batcave. I'm still in the middle of that "new statue smell" phase, so calling it a favorite is easy, but I fully expect this bust to stand the test of time. It's probably the second best looking piece I own, behind only my Kotobukiya vinyl Japanese import Batman statue.

Long timers who actually read my old blog might remember that right before I deleted it, I actually did a post that showed off all of my Black and White statues. With the addition of the Mignola, my grand total now sits at 10. I only buy the ones designed by artists that I dig, don't get all of them. I think I might re-do that post at some point this week, if I feel like getting them all down and taking pics. I've already seen a photo of the Black and White statue that's coming in next month's Previews, and I will most certainly be ordering it as well. No secret that I consider Jock to be one of the most talented artists currently working in comics, and he was asked to design a statue for the series. No-brainer there, it will be mine.

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