Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Gore Store NY

Recently came across this seller on eBay while searching for things to adorn the walls of my Batcave with. I'm a sucker for foreign posters of American movies, and The Gore Store NY is filled with obscure posters and prints from around the globe. My favorite part is they offer three size choices, with the price varying depending on what you pick. The smallest are 8" x 10" which is exactly what I was looking for, and will only set you back $6.48, with most prints offering free shipping. Thought I'd share a few of the ones that I'll be hanging up soon. I'd caption them, but I think they're pretty self-explanatory...

I do think I'm going to go larger on that Troll Hunter poster though, it's just too nice. Always looking for recommendations on stuff like this, so if any of you know of any good places for rare or obscure foreign posters that won't cost an arm an a leg, share away!


  1. omg I MUST have the Nightmare and the Rawhead Rex poster... especially the Rex poster.
    It's ridiculous how much better the monster looks on that artwork, compared to the hilarious rubber-crap in the movie LOL

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I have the British poster of The Thing. Just been to broke/lazy to get it framed, and hang that fucker up.
    Will once we move...probably.
    And that deleted comment above was me. On the girlfriend's computer, forgot, so it posted as Emily.
    These are my words, damnit!
