Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Teddy / Popularity Killer

I think I've mentioned this before, but I'm a huge slacker when it comes to short films. I hear lots of good stuff, but almost never bother to watch. I've been getting better though, and recently watched a couple from Slasher Studios based on recommendations.

The slasher genre seems to be the favorite among most indie and short film makers (with zombie being a close second), which makes sense I guess as it's fairly easy to find some sort of mask to throw on one of your buddies and have him stalk around murdering other friends/family members/etc. Teddy is an homage to the slasher films of yore (the 80's) and features just about every single slasher cliche known to man. The main difference between it and those older films? It's run time is 11 minutes, versus 80 or more. The end result is actually a pretty enjoyable little movie. It's not ground breaking, but the kills are decent, and I do love me a deranged killer in a mask. Check it out...

Popularity Killer I basically felt the same about, although I didn't like quite as much. Stop me if you've seen this before... a popular girl at the local high school is murdered, school is cancelled, and a group of teenagers decides to have a horror movie night, and even ups the ante by inviting the prime suspect, murdered girl's boyfriend. A cliche'd up copycat of Scream, but I couldn't help but laugh my ass off at the dialog. It's worth a watch for that alone, if nothing else....


  1. Oh, what a useful plugin… this will help me a lot for editting the codes. thanks a lot.Rinoplasti

  2. Yay, glad you enjoyed them both! I'm a big fan of the Slasher Studios shorts and even bought all 3 on DVD *short film nerd* :)

  3. Yeah man, once again credit goes to you for the recommendations. I enjoyed them both, thanks! And yep, I bought them on dvd too, heh.

  4. So, you bought them only because I said they're good? Wowsers, I'm stoked!
