If you're like me, and still don't completely hate found footage flicks, this might sound like it wouldn't be that bad of a way to spend an evening. If you're also like me, and decide to do so, you're going to most likely be two things: bored as shit, and totally disappointed. This one falls into the usual found footage trappings of a WHOLE lot of talk, and not a lot of action, at least up until the last couple of minutes. Here's the thing though, if you're going to make me wait for 86 of your 90 minute run time to show me even a glimpse of anything, you better make for damn sure those first 86 minutes are at least entertaining. In the case of The Frankenstein Theory, they aren't. I didn't like the characters, the dialog is awful, I felt like the movie was horribly paced, and even at the end, when you sort of get to see the Monster, he isn't particularly impressive. The poster above is about the only way to really even see him. Skip this one.
Thanks for the warning! Could've easily seen myself being suckered into this one.