Sunday, April 14, 2013

Evil Dead

Let's go ahead and dispense with all the "I love/I hate remakes" talk for the purposes of this write-up. As I've said before, they don't really bother me all that much, and I certainly won't discredit a film just because it's a remake or revamp of an older one. Now, that should take care of all the horror snobs who might have wandered by here. For those of you still with me, let's talk about this new Evil Dead flick...

We all know the story, so I'm going to assume there's not a need for a plot synopsis, right to it then. I have to be honest here, I had sort of a love it/ hate it experience with this movie. While this is true of a lot of movies, I can't remember a more extreme example than Evil Dead that I've seen recently. I felt like the tone was there, they definitely nailed the "evil" part. I fully understand why people are calling this the scariest thing they've ever seen. For Joe Movie-goer this shit is most likely terrifying. Jane Levy as Mia is absolutely fantastic. I had no idea who she was before, but you can bet your ass I'll be on the lookout for future work from her. The rest of the cast though? Laughably bad. It was like everybody else was doing all the could to ensure I didn't have a good time. The best metaphor for the acting I could come up with was "Jane Levy is a hot chick in a movie full of cock-blockers". I wanted to enjoy her so much, but goddamn if everybody else wasn't trying to ruin it for me. Especially Shiloh Fernandez as "David". He is just absolutely terrible, but being that his character has to be the stupidest motherfucker to ever grace a movie script, I suppose that's fitting.

I loved all the little nods to the original. I know a lot of folks are bitching about this and that, but I enjoyed them. In fact, to me this felt more like an updated sequel to the franchise than a true remake. Sort of like "hey, we're in the same universe, but all this shit is happening to new characters now". I'm not saying it should've been called Evil Dead 4, I'm just saying there were little things that made it feel more like a new series that's set in the same universe. It's hard to explain without spoiling things.

If you can get past the horrible acting and utter stupidity of the characters, Evil Dead is a good time. It's over the top gory, at times disgusting, and there's definitely plenty of evil. In short, I laughed, a lot. The pace is good, things never get boring, and once the madness kicks off, there's lots of it. Despite it's flaws, there's no denying that Evil Dead is a success. The whole world is talking about it, and whether you love it or hate it, horror is king at the box office right now, and that's always a good feeling.


  1. For weeks I refuse to read anything Evil Dead related, simply because I wanna go in completely unspoilered.

    So, my comment is more of a "Stopping by to say Hi!" :D

  2. You said: "The rest of the cast though? Laughably bad. It was like everybody else was doing all the could to ensure I didn't have a good time. The best metaphor for the acting I could come up with was 'Jane Levy is a hot chick in a movie full of cock-blockers"

    Hahahaha - well put, my man. I agree wholeheartedly. I loved the violence and the look of the film, but the cast was a real drag. Not sure if it was the actors themselves or just the material written for them, but like I said in my own review, I didn't give a crap what happened to any of them, and that sort of lessened the experience for me. I'll watch it again someday for sure, but my reaction the first time out was not nearly as encouraging as I would have hoped.

  3. I sincerely hated most of the characters for the first half hour of the film. The acting is so bad, I thought they were already Deadites.

  4. Fine review. It’s an okay movie if you want to have a bit of a good time, but that’s about it. Nothing really scary or terrifying here.

  5. Looks like you enjoyed it a bit more than me ;-)
