Thursday, February 10, 2011

Mister Bones Loves you All, Donates to the Massive Blood Drive

Hope you got your tix to the GUN SHOW!
That's right, I do. Even those of you who don't love me, it's ok, I understand. Being that I love you all, every 8 weeks I visit the Bloodmobile, parked conveniently right outside my hospital and donate some of my very precious 0+ blood. I do this just in case something happens and one of you might need it. I also do it for the free Nutter Butters, but mostly, it's the first thing.

Remember last week when I posted about The Twisted Twins and their annual Massive Blood Drive? Well, allow me to refresh your memory. In honor of Women in Horror Month the Soska sisters host an annual blood drive, encouraging everyone to go out and donate. If you participate, you not only get the joy of feeling good about yourself because you're helping your fellow man, or woman as the case may be, but if you send a photo, video, etc. of yourself donating, to the Soska's they have humbly offered to send you swag! Interested? Of course you are! You can click the link to my previous post above for info, or join the group on Twitter here, or hell if you STILL can't figure out what to do, drop me and line and I'll help you find info on where to go to donate in your area and such.

In all seriousness, this is a wonderful cause and something that I really do believe in doing. And if you know me at all, you know I don't believe in much anymore. Above is my donation photo, and while I don't necessarily expect the Twisted Twins to go out of their way to send me free stuff for it, all I'm saying is that if they decided to cast me as Katharine Isabelle's love interest in their upcoming film American Mary, or at least got her to send me an autograph that said something along the lines of "To Mister Bones, I love you too, and not as just a friend" well, I certainly wouldn't hold it against them.

Once again for your enjoyment, here is the Massive Blood Drive PSA video, be sure to watch until the end for an appearance from American Mary herself, Katharine Isabelle...

1 comment:

  1. Don't you hate it when they are out of Nutter Butters and offer you those disgusting Fig Newtons instead???

