Friday, July 25, 2014

"Love" this new BB Red Band Trailer and Exclusive Stills

More BB for you as we prepare for the upcoming release of CJ Wallis' new thriller! I've got an exclusive behind the scene still to share, and I've been lucky enough to have been given a look at some early finished clips of the film. It looks amazing, with CJ's unique camera work prominently on display. It's clear that he's got vision for this project, and the end result is going to be something really special.

First things first, a new red band trailer entitled "Love", which is NSFW obviously. In this one, we get more of a look at Leah, or "Candy Cummings" and learn more about her backstory and why she's becoming a Cam Girl, and also a good look at the tone of the film.

And now for that exclusive behind the scene still. Wallis is such a wizard with a camera, even his stills are impressive.

BB is definitely one to be on the lookout for this year. If you're lucky enough to have a showing nearby, make sure and do whatever you have to do to see it. Just know that if you get to watch before I do, you're dead to me.