Those of you lucky enough to be in the Seattle area can get your hands on some brand new stuff VonKlingele Customs has been working on exclusively for Crypticon Seattle which takes place on May 24th -26th. All of them are badass, and I would love to add to my shelves, but there's just one in particular that I'm dying to own....
Remember the movie Rubber? Of course you do. It was awesome. What's even more awesome than the movie? A motherfucking Robert the Tire action figure!!! Complete with victim! My God how I love this...
If you're going to Crypticon, seriously, feel free to pick this up for me. For those of us not attending, be sure and check out the rest of what will be available from VonKlingele Customs at the Guts and Grog table on their Facebook page. While you're there be sure and give them a "like" and tell them how awesome their figures are.