Monday, May 26, 2014

The Son of Celluloid Show

You've undoubtedly heard of the Son of Celluloid blog, run by my buddy Nathan Hamilton. I've even guest written for it before, during his annual "What Halloween Means to Me" theme. What you might not have realized yet, though, is that Nathan has taken the Son of Celluloid to the next level, by producing an actual show, complete with interviews, reviews, a indie horror spotlight, music, and all kinds of other horror related  goodness. The show is fairly young, only four episodes deep so far, but it's already better than a lot of similarly themed offerings I watch on youtube. Below you'll find the first episode, along with links to Nathan's youtube channel, and the Son of Celluloid's facebook page. 

Nathan has obviously put a lot of work into the Son of Celluloid Show, and I dig the hell out of it. I have no doubt that anyone who watches it will be in full agreement. Make sure to check it out, and leave a comment or two.

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