Announced at Comic Con, Halo anime is on the way. Video games are getting more and more integrated into Comic Con, not sure exactly why or how I feel about it, but doesn't this seem more like maybe something that could've been announced at E3? I mean I know it's an animated movie or whatever, and not a video game, but still. It ain't a comic either, and despite the atrocious Marvel series, Halo ain't really a comic property, it's a video game property that just happens to have a comic book adaptation. Semantics I suppose, ah well. Anyway you can read about Halo Legends just about anywhere, but I got the scoop from Newsarama.
If I'm being perfecty honest, it looks pretty "meh" to me, though I'm not a big anime fan in the first place. I'm sure I'll be buying this regardless as I'm a Halo whore, and hopefully I'll be pleasantly surprised by solid animation coupled with a gripping and engaging plot complete with...AHAHAHAHAHA!!! Damn, I almost got all that out, oh well. Maybe it will be pretty at least. Anyway here's your teaser trailer:
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